DeltaMaker USB Software Update

You'll need the following things to complete this procedure:

2.5mm hex wrench


DeltaMaker USB Image:

Unload the filament spool from the DeltaMaker, and disconnect the power cord.  Next, lay the DeltaMaker on its front face, with the filament drive motor and spool holder facing upwards.  This is to keep from damaging the drive motor and power connector on the back.

On the bottom of the machine, there is a plate which needs to be removed to access the USB device that contains the software that runs the printer. Pictured are the three screws that need to be removed. Use the 2.5mm hex wrench to remove these.

In the electronics compartment of the machine, you will see a small thumb drive plugged into the left-hand side of a green computer board (Raspberry Pi).

Remove this thumb drive and install it into a computer that you have administrative rights to.  You will need to download the DeltaMaker USB Image and install Etcher (located at on the computer which will be used to upgrade the software.

After you installed Etcher, the software should run automatically.  

Once Etcher has started up, click on the button which says "Select Image".  Select the DeltaMaker USB image ( from your computer.

Verify that the drive that Etcher selected is the "SanDisk Cruzer Fit USB Device"

Click "Flash!" -- If any dialogs pop up asking for administrative access, this is in order to access the drive so that it can be written properly.


 It may take some amount of time to write the new image to the USB drive.  Etcher should give you the progress and an estimated time of completion.

Once the USB thumb drive is finished writing, Etcher will automatically unmount it from your computer.  To remount the thumb drive, please temporarily remove it, and reinsert it into your computer.

You will need to open your file manager and find the drive named "BOOT" that is on the USB thumb drive.  This drive will contain many files, but only the file called "deltamaker.txt" needs to be modified . Open the file and edit it for your machine.  Standard sized DeltaMakers come with a 0.35mm nozzle by default, and our tall version comes with a 0.5mm by default.  Please also enter the serial number for your machine in the appropriate line.  The serial number for your machine can be found on the inside rail where the electronics are installed as a 4 digit number (ex. 0123)

Note:  If you received a "deltamaker.txt" file from customer support, copy that file to the "BOOT" drive and overwrite the existing file.  This file will be pre-configured for your convenience.

Once you have completed the configuration, reinstall the USB Thumb Drive in the DeltaMaker.

Reassemble the bottom plate, reconnect the power to your DeltaMaker, and turn it on. The DeltaMaker has to go through a procedure where it automatically expands the filesystem to give you the most usable space.  Wait 2-4 minutes before trying to log onto the DeltaMaker.  The machine should auto-home when booting up on this image.

The new connection information for this address is as follows:

Web address: http://deltamaker-0123.local/ (where 0123 is the serial number of your machine)

Web address (direct IP): (this is only reachable while connected to the wifi access point directly)